Show Your Phone and SAVE with Good2CUtexting!

Frequently asked questions about Good2CUtexting's coupon service

  • Redeem mobile coupons by simply showing your phone (with the text msg.) to the retailer.
  • Good2CUtexting NEVER charges you, the subscriber, to receive our coupons.
  • Standard messaging rates do apply. In other words, any costs are associated directly with your cell phone company. If you have unlimited texting, this will never cost you a dime! If not, you should determine whether your text message plan will support the number of messages we will be sending each month.
  • You may opt out of our service at any time by simply replying STOP to any of our messages.
  • Most markets will receive 5 - 10 mobile coupons per week from Good2CU. Remember, you can opt out at any time if you determine we are saving you too much money!
  • Good2CUtexting will not sell or provide any phone numbers to third parties. Spam texting is illegal, and you must always opt in to receive any commercial text message.
  • Some cell phone plans have a “Block” in place that prevents the user from receiving messages from any 5 digit phone numbers. You can call your provider's
  • Customer Service line to have this block removed.
  • If you feel, or your cell phone company has told you, that you have been charged by Good2CUtexting, please rest assured that Good2CU will NEVER charge you. These charges are typically determined to be a ringtone service, voting service, or some other type of subscription service that the user has simply forgotten about until their bill arrives.
  • Good2CUtexting is not responsible for possible misprints or any other mishaps in the redemption of mobile coupons. Retailers are solely responsible for monitoring and regulating the use of their mobile coupons.

Want to talk to Good2CU about sending a coupon for your business? Call us at 214-531-G2CU or email us at

Jackets - Stephenville

Purplepoo - TSU

Pirates - Granbury

Roos - Weatherford